Programs Featured Here
These are just some of the programs that are featured on our site. Please check back as we update this page regularly. If you would like to be added to our lineup place contact us.
Nightsounds with Bill Pearce is a worldwide syndicated half hour show whose motto is "Easy Listening for Hard Times".
Keys for Kids
Keys for Kids Ministries - igniting a passion for Christ in kids, teens, and families worldwide.
Faith and Finance
This biblically-based financial teaching and equipping organization has a rich history with many faithful men and women who have helped produce a legacy where millions of people have benefitted.
Moody Church Hour
This Sunday morning program provides a worship service for those unable to attend a local church.
Real people, true stories, dramatic accounts of brokenness and despair…and the hope that changes everything. UNSHACKLED, the award-winning radio drama from Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago, grips listeners around the world with compelling and relevant stories of transformed lives.
Genesis Science Minute
Genesis Science Network was formed by David Rives Ministries in 2015 and is fully funded and supported by our viewers. It delivers wholesome, inspiring, uplifting, and educational 24/7 programming to homes around the world at no charge.
Saving Grace with Carmen Pate
Saving Grace provides the listener opportunity to hear inspiring interviews with experts as well as everyday people who love Jesus and want others to know and experience that love and the abundant life Jesus spoke about.
Red Soul Radio
A 25-minute weekly program based on faith from a Biblical and conservative perspective with host, Kristina Brazil.
The Kat James Show
A 54-minute weekly program based on natural health & wellness with conservative and faith leanings.
Testimony with Jensine Bard
A weekly 30 minute program on faith and current events
Bible Crossfire
A weekly 30 minute program discussing Biblical questions